Abundance Network

All over the UK, people have started harvesting gluts of unwanted fruit in their area. We've shared some information, but each group is individual.

Welcome to Abundance.

Starting a group

Starting a group can be very satisfying. It’s quite easy to bring a few people together to do an occasional pick, more work to create a larger group that endures. There are a few key things that you need to do. Here are our ten key things you need to do to get started:

  • Find 3 or 4 people
  • Discuss what you want to do and how you’ll work together
  • Tools (You can use a telescopic pole with a basket but we recommend a pole with a hook so you can shake the tree!)
  • Sheet or tarpaulin
  • Find a fruit bearing tree!
  • Have a think about what to do with the harvested fruit
  • Transport of fruit – pedal power, bike baskets, walking
  • Strong boxes – Ask for them or borrow them from your local supermarket or shop
  • Leaflet to recruit volunteers – have a look at our resources to see if there’s any useful content
  • Get picking!
View a list of the groups
What 6 groups did in 2011


The Abundance Handbook

Created by Sheffield Abundance, the Abundance Handbook is a beautiful and informative guide to fruit harvesting.

Download the Handbook

Shaking the tree

A video about the Kensal to Kilburn Fruit Harvesters group (4 mins).